Download old versions of the Picsart mod APK [all unlocked ]

 old versions 
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Some people have old devices with low specs. When Picsart mod apk gets new updates then many glitches and problems are found in the app on their devices because of incompatibility.

The best solution is to use a compatible or suitable version of the Picsart mod apk in these old and low-spec devices. Then, the picsart works better and runs smoothly on his suitable devices. Let’s check all the versions and choose the most suitable version for your device.

Picsart mod APK Older Versions

 Now it is very easy to get all the old versions on the same page. All the versions are given below:


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.0
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.1
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.3
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.3.2
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.3.5
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.3.7
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.3.8
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.3
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.6.2
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.6.4
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.2
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.7.1
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.7.1
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.8.0
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.8.0
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.8.0
old version

Installation Guide for the Old Version of PicsArt APK

Click the download button.

Then the download option appears then click Download.

Then click “Download anyway”.

Let complete the download then click on the file from the notification Or go to the file manager > downloads > click on the picsart file > allow unknown downloads (if the option appears) 

Then click the install button ( message block appears on the screen)

Let it complete. Congratulations, You have successfully downloaded & installed Picsart’s older version. 

Now, Open it, and enjoy the journey.

Why Use Old Versions of PicsArt Mod APK?

There are some reasons why editors use old versions of the picsart mod apk? Let’s Explore!

Compatibility with Older Devices:

The old version has the best compatibility with the older Devices because they are made for each other. Their performance is at its peak in old devices with zero errors and no glitches.

Simpler User Interface:

Sometimes new updates change the interface but editors have hands on the old interface. They don’t feel good with the new interface. The old interface is much simpler easier and memorable.

Specific Features:

In the Old versions of the picsart app, some specific features are available but it changes in the update or sometimes it is replaced with other features so it is another problem to find the specific features for the editors.

Lower Storage Requirements:

The updated version has more features that are why it needs high storage devices and it can’t be handled by low-specs devices which is why editors stay on the old version.

Popular Old Versions of PicsArt Mod APK

Here are some picsart old versions that remained famous in the past:


Download Picsart mod apk v25.3.5
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.3
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.0
old version


Download Picsart mod apk v25.5.3
old version

How to Safely Download Old Versions of PicsArt Mod APK

There are some safety measures to help safely download older versions of the Picsart Mod apk.

Trusted Websites:

It is mandatory to check the platform or website, Where you are downloading the app. Is it trusted or not? Like me, I provide the most secure and safe apps. You can trust me.

Check for Malware:

If you have some important data in your phone you can use different antivirus software from the Play Store. To check any malware in the apps.

Avoid Unknown Sources:

Don’t trust unknown sources or unknown websites. Always download apps from famous and trusted websites. 

Read User Reviews:

User Reviews are important. You can learn from the old user experiences by reading their reviews. You can check your trust by reading the reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

IF the latest version is not working fine it means your device is not compatible with that version then you should try the old version or the previous version.

Yes, it is free to download the old version of the picsart mod apk.

Because of some reasons, like their device compatibility, or their comfortability or sometimes user interface is the reason.

Yes it is safe when you have downloaded it from a trusted platform

Yes, The old versions still work.


Picsart has many old versions. You can easily download it. Some editors feel more comfortable in old versions. Old versions have some specific great features and require low storage and low mobile specification. These versions are famous among the editors because of their specialties. It always remember to check the trusted, famous, safe, and secure platform or website to download the app. You can select the best compatible version for your device from here securely and safely.

auther picture (auther name "Black Sun"

Black Sun

Black Sun is a blogger who offers PicsArt photo editor tutorials, tips, and informational content. Her website provides a modified version of PicsArt for educational purposes, helping users enhance their photo editing skills.